1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO

Learn about the "1016 Frontier Gds Sa 7203744390 Co" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on October 26, 2021, Last updated on July 8, 2022

What is it?

I called the number and it was disconnected. It looks like somebody is trying to put a number similar to Frontier airlines to make it look legit. I have never flown Frontier, so I'm assuming it was fraud. I challenged the transaction with my CC company.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARD1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO
  • CHECKCARD 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO
  • POS Debit 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO
  • POS PUR 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO
  • POS PURCH 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO
  • POS PURCHASE 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO
  • POS REFUND 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO
  • PRE-AUTH 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO
  • PENDING 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO
  • Visa Check Card 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO MC
  • Misc. Debit 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO
  • CHKCARD 1016 frontier gds sa 7203744390 CO