888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL

Learn about the "888 441 2916 Com 888 441 2916 * Fl " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on September 15, 2014, Last updated on October 3, 2014

What is it?

They got me 3 times and am disputing, my bank is refunding me the money, all of them were charges for $49.95. First one was listed as a jrincsupport.com. Second one was listed as 888-441-2916.com. Third one was listed as SlimDown. That's why you have to check your statement every month, they charge a bunch of small charges to try and stay under the radar.

www.raspberryketonestrength.com. Which uses 888-441-2916 as its clearing house for credit card transactions has billed my credit card 49.95…. 888-441-2916 refuses to refund the fraudulent charges. I have called several times. I have Been given a different story each time. This last time I was told they could not process my refund, they were receiving an error when they tried to process it… I need to contact my credit card company. 888-441-2916 is owned by NACEPA INC. 333 S. E. 2nd ave, suite 2000, Miami, fl, 33131 is a scam. Chris Davis, president, From Ontario Ca, Orange Park & Miami FL is a scam artist. Raspberryketonestrength was hosted out of Seattle Wa. They used to use hcincsupport.com, then 888-462-9930.com, for credit card transactions.

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARD888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL
  • CHECKCARD 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL
  • POS Debit 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL
  • POS PUR 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL
  • POS PURCH 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL
  • POS PURCHASE 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL
  • POS REFUND 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL
  • PRE-AUTH 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL
  • PENDING 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL
  • Visa Check Card 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL MC
  • Misc. Debit 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL
  • CHKCARD 888 441 2916 COM 888 441 2916 * FL