Fs *Safe Care

Learn about the "Fs *Safe Care" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

First seen on October 2, 2021, Last updated on May 31, 2022

What is it?

This company is deducting monthly charges from my checking account. I do not recall authorizing this charge.

To reach PC Pro Tune-up start the program and on the first page click on the circled "i" in the upper right corner. This will open a link to their website from which you can send them an email asking them to cancel your subscription. I think many of us might have gotten sucked in like I did with a link from a rating service, which link said that the price was 50% off, but nowhere I could see did it say this was monthly subscription and there was no link for more information.

I searched my emails for FS *Safe Care and it came up with Fast Spring Safecare Software. People have signed up for PC Pro Tune-up software not realizing that it renews monthly. I know that I didn't realize that it renews monthly. The charge is 20.99 CDN. It's a valid charge and isn't fraudulent. I may not have read what it said or did not remember what it was for.

I had the same experience. I have no idea where the charge came from and more importantly, how this company got my credit card information. I have reported them to my credit card provider.

I too, got ripped off by these guys... in fact the app tries to connect to their website which got flagged by my McAfee antivirus as having PUPs! And, working with Barclays on a dispute is the worst! You have to do it by snail mail, and they denied my initial dispute! If this had happened with one of my Chase cards, it would have been refunded and closed no problem.

This is disgraceful, like the other people reporting this I “bought” this tool not realizing there was a hidden subscription bomb - no way I would have purchased if I knew there was. Was just charged USD $19.99 on my card. Now I have to go through the machinations to “cancel” it as suggested by one of the folks below. On top of that, I made the mistake of purchasing with my Barclays card which is one of the worst for dispute resolution - can’t do online, you have to send them paper or fax (! 20th Century!) to resolve.

unauthorized charges from fs safe care Cancel account and refund charges

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Also Appears on Statements As

  • CHKCARDFs *Safe Care
  • CHECKCARD Fs *Safe Care
  • POS Debit Fs *Safe Care
  • POS PUR Fs *Safe Care
  • POS PURCH Fs *Safe Care
  • POS PURCHASE Fs *Safe Care
  • POS REFUND Fs *Safe Care
  • PRE-AUTH Fs *Safe Care
  • PENDING Fs *Safe Care
  • Visa Check Card Fs *Safe Care MC
  • Misc. Debit Fs *Safe Care
  • CHKCARD Fs *Safe Care