I freaked out about the Glority LLC charge, but it's my PlantIt app renewal and I lovvvve that app. My little 21 dollars a year saves me hundreds from being a brown thumb
GOOGLE *Glority
Learn about the "Google *Glority" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on August 1, 2022, Last updated on May 14, 2023
What is it?
I think this is the Picture This app. It allows you to take a pic of a plant or tree and it identifies it. I use it at least once a month.
I never bought anything from this company, I reported it as fraud.
I just found a 47 dollar debit for "Google-Glority" I don't recognize it. I need for it to be re-credited. Who do I call?
This turned out to be for an app I'd bought in the google play store.
It might be the best plant and tree identifier. Take the picture and it shows you what it is or could be. I too wondered what that charge was. Since a free trial wasn't offered, I bought it because I watched a friend use hers, and I was impressed with how fast it was. It should only be $$19.99
My credit card was charged for 21.74 today and I did not make this charge.
I never purchased from the playstore. This just appeared on my card statement.
PlantIt app trash user interface, cant see the subscription duration and I never even agreed to pay. I bet free apps are available, I wouldn't have paid until exhausting that possibility.
I did a trial on this app it was for a week! I promptly went in and cancelled it before the week was over. Wasn't happy with the app. Anyway I have a charge on my account and am checking to see if there are any more. Since I had cancelled the app this now becomes a fraud. Google Glority is the charge for $39.99.
I have no idea what the plantit app is and have never subscribed to it. Will report fraud.
I ran across this when I got a capital one alert, after doing a little research I found this was an annual charge for my App "Picture This" which is made by @Glority LLC So this is an annual charge that I forgot about
I never signed up from anything from Goggle Play for Glorify for 43.19.
Also Appears on Statements As
- POS Debit GOOGLE *Glority
- Visa Check Card GOOGLE *Glority MC
- Misc. Debit GOOGLE *Glority