Checking my credit card transactions I noticed a charge for $60.00 by this ISPA/PIMDS. There was no explanation for the charge, it just used the initials. I have not used my card at any ATM's for withdraws.
Learn about the "Ispa/Pimds" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
First seen on September 11, 2021, Last updated on April 21, 2023
What is it?
I was unsure of the charge until I remember what I got for $103. I got more gummies from D2 dispensary. They are a small business and it is the company that set them up to take credit/debit cards.
I got charged on my credit card for what I had paid for in cash at the store. And finding what store it was for and the product that was purchased was not stated in any way in this notification. I had to spend over an hour in researching what this charge was for (a lot of guesswork on my part!!) How do they get away with such fraud?! I will pursue this with my bank, wish me luck! The company I bought the product from, is ISPA/PIMD.
"ISPA/PIMDS" indicates an ATM charge. I used an ATM at the Dickens Fair and had forgotten that I did, but seeing the date, location, and amount reminded me that this was, in fact, an ATM charge.
ISPA/PIMDS fraudulent charge for $33.50 on my debit card.Supposedly an ATM but I have not used an ATM in years.CITI reversed charge as I reported it within 30 min. I no longer use debit cards for any purchase.Only cc with any purchase alert via text. The identifying source is related to a medical Marijuana biz in L.A. I do not partake of any such substance.
I got charged $101.99 and $202.99 on the same day. Capitol one
I was charged 4 times 22$ to 64$. I never use an ATM because I would have to pay 3.50$ to get cash. I reported to Capital one credit card. They believe I had to personally use my card for these charges. Thanks for encouraging me to call Capitol one credit card services.
On April 8, 2023 I had a pending charge on my mercury credit card for approximately $2911.54. My bank did not process it after several days of looking into it as it was fraudulent I did not have the card out of my possession, although I was in some mixed company and I have to find a sleep with this company in the same room, waking up phone in my purse scattered and credit cards all over I’m assuming they attempted to make a purchase but I would like to know is what company what is the charge made to , and if possible, the person making the purchase or paying a debt using my credit card. I need to verify the suspected person was in fact the one who used my card on either her laptop or her cell phone to make this purchase or possibly pay off our own debts thankfully my credit card company saw it as a fraud and did not process it and took it out of pending. I’m concerned that other cards and information that was in my purse. Found scattered may also show some problems. I would appreciate any information as my credit card company no longer has it after removing the pending charge.
Also Appears on Statements As
- Visa Check Card ISPA/PIMDS MC
- Misc. Debit ISPA/PIMDS