Fraudulent use of debit/bank account. Just discovered it myself. Someone should ask the store why numerous fraud victims online are reporting charges from that exact particular store. #651, Totowa, NJ.
Learn about the "Bed Bath & Beyond #651 Paterson " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.
Also Appears on Statements As "BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ"
First seen on July 19, 2012, Last updated on July 1, 2013
What is it?
Store #651 is what every online transaction to is labeled. I was charged a $400 charge this morning. After canceling my card and reporting a claim with the bank, I called 1800462-3966 (1800-GOBEYOND). Selected option 4, customer service and then option 5 - all other issues. Spoke with the first woman who said she needed the card number to look up information. Had to call my husband, which was the card effected and called back to find out that they could first try to look up the transaction by the name on the card. IF they cannot find your "order" that way, then they will need the full 16 digit number of the credit/debit card used. Ours was found by first and last name and since it was still pending, BBB was able to cancel that transaction so that the funds are not pulled out and having to be returned by the bank. If you are able to catch this before your transaction goes from pending to a finalized transaction, then BBB may be able to stop that payment. While you are not immediately refunded, at least you do not have to wait the full turn around time to go through a claim. Good question, if you are having this issue and do get ahold of their customer service - is to ask if there is a different billing and shipping address for the "order".
Bed Bath and Beyond #651 Fruad charge for 174.39 11/22/12. Apparently this particular store is rife with fraudulent activity. I'm in Texas and the store is in NJ. Reported to CC company and will file with FBI. Suspecting card # got intercepted through purchase from one of Amazon's marketplace partners...
Hello. These are not from a store. NJ #651 is there HQ for on line purchases. However USAA said the majority of these charges come from having your CC with Amazon Market Place orders.
$57.68 on Dec. 4th. Talking with BB&B, Store 651 is a warehouse, meaning online or phone order.
I had forgotten that I signed up for Bed Bath & Beyond's "Beyond+" Program, giving me 20% off for the year. So all of a sudden I found a new charge for $31.57 ($29.00 for the program, plus my local taxes).
Going to BBB's website and viewing Order History, I found out what this was. Legitimate, but I may cancel this annual charge anyway. At least no one has my credit card info....
This scam is still alive... Purchased something off of Amazon on 10/30/2019 using my Amazon acct and Amazon card, however, a totally different card I used was made to make this fraudulent purchase on 11/1/2019. I never save my cards to my google acct or any acct. Little did i know, somewhere along the line, my card was stored. Someone must have intercepted this transaction to amazon, hacked my google acct and found my card info (NOT RELATED TO MY AMAZON ACCT BUT MY GOOGLE ACCT). Be wary of storing card information on google. It is not secure and safe as you would assume.
Bed Bath & Beyond #651 Fraudulent Charge for 107.99 on 19 Nov 2012.
I cant believe this is still happening. the same store took 546 dollars from my account. I did contacted my bank and they will put the money back to my account but why no one had done anything about this?
Bed bath and beyond should be fined for letting this go on for so long. Seems an easy fix would be to get security code. My credit card company called me suspecting the charge if $77 was fraudulent. I shop there occasionally so this shouldn't have seemed fraudulent. Store 651 must be flagged by American Express.
Just found a charge for $78.42 on my credit card. Called my CC company and they are issuing new cards to me. I asked the agent if my CC company eats the loss and he said "no", they charge it to Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
$1 fraudulent charge from this store - i guess they wanted to see if i'd notice. I did...
A charge appeared on our credit card statement in the amount of $144.15 on August 9, 2022 for Bed, Bath & Beyond #651 with the phone number 180-046-2396. This is a fraudulent charge made by scammers who must have accessed our credit card information somehow.
A charge appeared on our credit card statement in the amount of $144.15 on August 9, 2022 for Bed, Bath & Beyond #651 with the phone number 180-046-2396. This is a fraudulent charge made by scammers who must have accessed our credit card information somehow.
BBB is not scamming you. What is happening is your credit card information is being intercepted from a website in which your credit card information is stored which makes it easy for scammers to steal your information. The reason scammers use BBB as the store to make the purchase is because of BBB's return policy. If the item reaches the destination, the scammer can walk into any BBB and return the unopened item without a receipt for cash or store credit.
$57.68 on Dec. 4th. Talking with BB&B, Store 651 is a warehouse, meaning online or phone order.
Fraudulent charge on my Visa card for $29.00. The transaction shown as: Bed, Bath & Beyond #651 Donotaskagainnj Transaction Date: 5/18/2021 Posted:5/19/2021 Reference Number:24138291139286423603512 Category: Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Specialty Stores I'm reporting fraud and requesting a refund.
i got hit for $34.98 for #651 TOTOWA bed bath and beyond. Whats going on here how is this still happening? I use amazon a lot, someone else says there card was intercepted
Unauthorized charge of 359.99 Bed, Bath, & Beyond #651. Just talked to "Franklin" @ their customer service. He was VERY helpful & stopped the transaction before it posted to my account officially.
My on-line purchase at Bed Bath and Beyond appeared on my credit card statement as #651 NJ, even though I am in Minnesota. So it can be a legitimate charge and not fraud.
7/12/17 saw $296 pending charge on CC from this BBB #651. Looked it up and is store in NJ. We are 2000 miles and 8000 miles away. Of course was neither of us. BBB needs to change their return policy to make it less easy or these crooks. It is a major pain to have to get cards reissued, people are hosed with sudden non-working card, have to reupdate all autopay things from bills, insurance payments, everything else. This is why don't use debit card - is like taking cash out of your bank directly.
Same thing happened to me! Cap One emails me everytime a charge is made. I check my email this morning and have a charge made to BBB #651 at 2:16AM for $119.83. Called the bank and since it's still a pending charge that can't do anything til it hits. Googled the store, found this site, and did what others suggested and called customer service. They were no help at all. They couldn't look up the order by CC number to cancel it (wouldn't even attempt to) and kept telling me to call my bank. It just seemed like they wanted to get rid of me. I told them about the various fraud complaints and ended up hanging up on them. I cannot believe they allow this! I shop there occassionally but never again after this.
Bed Bath & Beyond #651 Fraudulent Charge 7 Sept 2012
Charged for $484.94 on 12/21/12, obviously fraud. Calling BBB and never going to IHOP again
$76.57 on 5/15/2013. I live in Washington DC and have never been to that BB&B location or made a purchase at ANY BB&B recently.
Disputing with bank, but VERY upset if this is a result of shared information with Amazon.....
I just had a fraudulent charge from "BED BATH & BEYOND #651" for $209.87. Called BB&B and they said they had no way to even look up the order, even based on the full credit card number. They recommended I contact my credit card company (Chase). Chase flagged the pending charge as fraudulent, canceled my card, and are sending out a new one that should be here today or tomorrow.
Someone else had mentioned having this happen after making an Amazon Marketplace purchase. FWIW, I just bought off Amazon Marketplace before this bogus BB&B charge showed up.
Just got an alert that $185.84 was charged to my Discover card @ bed bath & beyond #651, yea it was a disruption to say the least. I was at work handling this issue making the stress level through the roof to say the least. Discover canceled card, bbb was investigating the issue... so its all we can do on our part. I recommend alerts for any transaction over $1, it's helps my family feel more confident in responding to any fraud issues. Good luck out there & stay strong!
THIS IS FRAUD AND THEY ARE DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT! I got hit for the $665 amount 08/07/2013! I called to tell them about this and also tell them there is chatter all over the internet about this store and their ATM, but they don't seem to care.
We just had a 218.$ charge posted on 12/6/12 this is b.s. and something needs to be done.
(Sorry if this is a dup -- haven't read them all.) When we ordered an item that was out of stock at our local (Wynnewood PA) BB&B, they placed an online order for us at their distribution center (BB&B #651) in Totowa NJ. So BB&B#651 showed up on our credit card alert file.
Received a charge for over 1,000! Something needs to be done!
They got me twice in the last three weeks for nearly $300. Only recent amazon marketplace purchases were from "Cheap Sports Outlet" and "Ear Band-It/Putty Buddies". Anybody have those in common?
They just got me for 754 dollars BofA and BBB NJ store. Im located in CA. My cards have been hacked 6 times in 8 months. Last time it was Cameta camera NJ. The time before it was Nordstrom.
I too had a charge for 339.10 at this same place. I to will call the store as well as BBB.
I live in NJ but I have never went shopping to BBB. I got charged $163.47. I have no idea what that charge was for. Waiting for morning to call credit card company and have them settle this. Might just get a new card or something.
got hit with a $371.28 charge from Bed Bath and Beyond from Totowa, NJ. Based on the comments Ive read, this appears to be some sort of warehouse distribution facility. Never stepped foot in NJ in my life, I am 2,000 miles away. Based on the wide array of posters on here living in various locations keys me in to believing this fraudulent activity is the result of some sort of online merchant that is widely, perhaps?
Well as I read all of these response's looks like it is the same guy or girl that lives in the Aubury area. That piece of crap hit me for 60.00 dollars over the weekend. Need to turn this store and the content of this site to the FBI. Just maybe they will catch this piece of shit and put his ass in jail.
I check my cc activity daily to stop these type of fraud charges ASAP because it has happened in the past. This morning I wake up and do my normal check, $107 BBB charge for store #651 which I have never ordered from BBB online. Called bank of America and they refunded immediately and closed the account. Looking at my previous purchases I used this cc about 30 times this month at a variety of places so who knows there they got my number from.
June 19, 2 $1 charges to test my card then on June 20 2019 a $118.23 charge. still happening 7 years later than when this thread was started. I had to call 1 855 222 1797 for them to look into it. That department then apparently communicates directly with my credit card company. Sucks because this forces me to cancel a card I use for work and have the number memorized.
I tired ordering online an item for $112.57, but when I clicked Buy it returned an error about the billing address. I checked the billing address and tried again, got an error... I tried a third time and error. I say screw it and bought what I needed in the store that afternoon. That payment posted to my bank account immediately. Then the next day I see 3 pending charges ($112.57, $1, $1). It was a toss up if it was fraud or from my efforts yesterday to order online... but it was the same BB&B #651 totow nj. Spoke to all the people I needed to and basically am told to wait out the pending order, if they fall off it was from the error in my online ordering, if they hit then I got a fraud to report. Either way, BB&B wasn't able to look anything up (I used my membership to make the orders) so I had NOTHING from them to back up what the charges may be...which lead me to think its more of a fraud issue (how can you not know what pending orders are on your own website that also have money being held from the customer bank account???). Ugh, either way BB&B is some bullshit and needs to fix their faults in their online presence.
I just had a fraudulent charge for $78.55. I noticed in another post that they may have gotten the number from an Amazon Marketplace Partner, which I do use. Luckily, my bank is on top of things and is refunding my money. I would hope Bed, Bath, and Beyond would come up with better security when ordering from them. Seems like an ongoing problem.
What is the deal with this store? It ought to be shut down! After this many fraudulent activities they obviously do not ask to check their photo license and name against the card along with signature. you would THINK they would have began this years ago due to their problems!!!! Someone at this store just used my card number and spent $747.00!!!!!! how hard is it for that to be a red flag people!!!! The employees are probably doing it too so that is why it keeps happening!
Was just charged for $380. smh
Fraud charge on my account 5-28-20 $296 charge from BBB - I honestly did not know they were still open. It is pending - unable to dispute with the bank and the hold time at BBB cust. service line is an hour.
Just called BBB and all 3 charges on my MasterCard were fraudulent. Each was around $113.00. The orders were placed online and shipped to 3 different addresses. They gave my phone number, but off by one digit and "my" email address was way off. Such scammers. FYI, the store # 651 is the processing center for online orders not and actual BBB store. Good luck folks. I just called MasterCard and faxed them my statement. BBB fraud department is contacting MasterCard also. Fun fun
Just got a call from my credit card company about 4 charges on my card. two from bed, bath, beyond store #651 and another one out of south africa, and then a groupon charge. they are having me fill out an affidavit to cancel the charges. they automatically closed my account.
As several people have pointed out, charges to this particular store number (651) are ONLINE orders for And for the reasons stated, this does appear to be a popular way for criminals to fraudulently use others' credit/debit cards, so many of the complaints here are legitimate. But before you fly off the handle with a fraud complaint, because you haven't visited a BB&B store, or you've "never been to New Jersey", realize that you wouldn't have to have done either for this charge to be legit. If you ordered something ONLINE from BB&B, that's what this is. Now, if you DIDN'T order anything from BB&B online, then sure, this is likely some kind of fraud. I'm just saying, make sure you didn't order something online before you file a claim.
I received a charge on my debit account that was then reimbursed on the same day. I still notified my bank and had the card cancelled due to never authorizing BB&B to charge my debit account.
They got me for $317.97 on December 6th. Since I didn't find out until after hours, I haven't spoken directly with Bed Bath & Beyond yet. I did put a stop on my card though.
Same here. $333.60 for an Actifry - Multicooker. BB&B cannot give me the shipping address. They won't let me speak to their loss prevention. Dustin at 800-Go-Beyond ext. 6537 is saying just to handle directly with the bank.
651 while showing a NJ location, it's for online orders. Had a fraudulent charge on my discover for over $300 bucks on 6/30/20. Luckily discover flagged it and didn't process it. Discover has been awesome, highly recommend them for future credit cards. Haven't had to communicate with BBB. Hopefully will never have to. Can't figure out how my info got out but it's the world we live in now days. Good luck everyone and stay safe!
Had a charge on my CC for Bed Bath & Beyond #651 right after I made a charge using Amazon Market Place thru another web site. Has to be AMAZON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2020 got a fraudulent charge from BB&B for 112 seems the fraud from this particular store #651 has been happening a long time, somebody really needs to look into this.
Bed Bath and Beyond #651 fraudulent charge 11/17/12.
We got charged on 12/28/12 for $102.32 from store #651.
I saw this charge on my bank account and I was thinking "I haven't gone to Bed, Bath, and Beyond."
After careful thinking, yes, i actually ordered a wedding gift for my friends who are registered through Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
Me too. I got hacked six weeks ago - have only had this card that long! Today, $1 to #651 BBB. Still, they do nothing. They've lost my business.
2020 got a fraudulent charge from BB&B for 112 seems the fraud from this particular store #651 has been happening a long time, somebody really needs to look into this.
June 19, 2 $1 charges to test my card then on June 20 2019 a $118.23 charge. still happening 7 years later than when this thread was started. I had to call 1 855 222 1797 for them to look into it. That department then apparently communicates directly with my credit card company. Sucks because this forces me to cancel a card I use for work and have the number memorized.
I just got charged $193 on my debit card. You would think they could find out something.This has happened way to many times.
I had 2 fradulent charges from this bed bath and beyond store number. I also had charges to apples itunes and a diet health magazine. My husband's card was also compromised yesterday with a purcahse to an irish based airline. After doing some digging, we came to the conclusion that having our credit cards stored on my amazon account was the problem. We removed our card info and won't store anything online again, even though amazon has had our card information for years.
Also, major thanks to Capital One for catching the charges immediately and making sure I wouldn't have to pay any money.
Two charges from my debit card totaling 222.08 from this store yesterday. I haven't been to New Jersey since 1991! Is this even a real store?? Everything the comes up in google for BB&B #651 are fraud complaints!
On line charge for a purchase of $29.00 from BB&B store location #651 in NJ on my credit card statement. I did not make purchase.
I called BBB 1-800-462-3966 on this same exact bank alert notice, as I thought it was fraud.
It's not fraud. It's an AUTHORIZATION of the REMAINDER of your recent order you placed a few days or a few weeks ago. Ahhhhh, now you remember!
That alert about your card being "purchased online at BBB #651 Totowa United States" IS JUST THE PRICE/BALANCE of the other product(s) SOON TO BE SHIPPED (because it didnt get shipped with your original products).
And yes: even though on original order date your bank authorized, but did not deduct the entire amount (?)....
SUMMARY: Its the AUTHORIZATION for any of the remaining products that still need to be shipped.
Got hit with a $222 charge for a baby car seat a few weeks ago, the credit card just came. Will let the VISA company handle it. To their credit, I just gave my name, the amount, and date. She didn't ask for my credit card number. She was polite,worked quickly and apologized.
I have the same charge for $39.89. When I called customer service I was told a manager would call me week later I still have receive a call.
Woke up this morning to a fraudulent charge from Bed Bath and Beyond #651 $105.99. I never shop at BBB and was home sleeping at the time of charge. 😡 Crazy to search the store number and see all these other people with the same issue. Thankfully I was able to get through to the bank and get it fixed quickly.
Just noticed a charge on my debit card for BB&B for 101.97. A few days before it was used at Walmart. I will be disputing this charge and two other online charges; one at Walmart and one at
Scam is still alive and well as of July 9, 2019. $256.79 here. I've speculated my identity was stolen at Wal-Mart after I used my debit there, but I don't have proof. The fact that Bed, Bath, and Beyond hasn't found a resolution to this problem is just ridiculous.
Bogus charge of 112.34. Reported it to my bank while it was still in pending and they advised me to wait until it had definitely been deducted from my account. Went back to bank and they started a fraud investigation. Sent me back a letter stating it was legit. Went back and same result. Was advised to go to store #651 to have them check the purchase against their records. While searching for the address i found out it was a warehouse. Called BB&B to see if they could provide me of the information, (item purchased, where shipped to) Woman on phone told me they would credit my account in 24-48 hours. Hopefully that is true. I immediately changed card after the fraud charge was discovered. Sad that this has been going on since 2012 and no one has been caught.
on 12/18/12 $111.15 was charged to my account as online order on a card that I never use, except on 1 and only order to amazon 2 weeks prior.
I found there is a charge on my card for $211.99 on 4/12/2012 at Bed Bath and Beyond #651 .This is Fraud charge. I have not done the transaction.
Got tagged for $50.97 on a stolen debit card. These people need to do a better job of validating cards.
$57.68 on Dec. 4th. Talking with BB&B, Store 651 is a warehouse, meaning online or phone order.
I saw this charge too for $312.69. I know this was not authorized, be on alert and keep your eye on your statements. Someone really needs to shut down this store/individual at this store.
BB&B, charge for $152.97. No way I had this charge, 11/9/12.
4/5/19 this scam is still alive and well. I reported the charge to my bank and cancelled the card. Charge was made on my husband's card, who is out to sea in my Navy...... Obviously not in "Towana NJ" as I don't think the ship will fit in their parking lot...
I just found $120 charge from BB&B 651. Capital One already reversed the charge, but BB&B wasn't helpful since the item had already been delivered. I had also just shopped at Walmart as someone else mentioned.
651 is their warehouse 1-800-462-3966. All the fraudulence is from the companies' on-line stores most likely. I just got this number for my case as well.
Okay, I've got a charge of OVER $1600 to this same damn store. WTF???
I got hit with a charge I didn't make by bed bath and beyond new jersey store .I have never been in or ever purchased from bbb.i callsd my bank bank of America to cancel my card and have to wait till this purchase prossess and call them again to let them know it went through .in the mean time they are sending me a new card and paperwork to sign as I am pressing charges.the only thing I have purchased online was from pugster and that was back in febuary sometime .I suspect it may have something to do with this though.i hope who ever this jerk is enjoys themselves when the cops come to their door to arrest them
Just had a fraud charge from BB&B #651 on 10/8/19. They managed to get a hold of my new (not even activated) cc #. Chase claims that this is extremely unusual.. I highly doubt it.
FRAUD with me as well Went to the 76 station in Dana Point, CA and just checked my account and a charge from Bed Bath and Beyond store 651 This is a central processing center
Fraudulent charge on debit card for $163.99 from BBB in NJ (phone number 973-785-4333). Visited NJ during that time but did not use my card at all. Called bank and they cancelled card and are looking into it.
My charge was from Jan 11. I had reserved a product online from my local store the week before. If you order online keep an eye on your bank account!
Got a fraud transaction last night for 199.15 dollars. I’ve never heated the company‘s name before. So someone used my Chinese credit card to order something in the U.S. while i was sleeping in Germany‘s early morning. I did some search and was shocked to see after so many years, the fraud is still going. Called BB&B customer service, but they couldn’t find the transaction by searching my name, and there’s no other way to find the transaction to stop it. I have cancelled the card and can only wait for the bank’s investigation now.
I found a charge this morning 12/4/12 for $422.60. This was stolen from my boyfriends debit card.
Thought this was fraud - I certainly didn't get anything from BB&B for myself. But when I checked my e-mails, had a confirmation receipt. Turns out, it was a wedding gift I had ordered for some friends. Did it through their wedding registry so it didn't "register" in my mind as being from BB&B.
Someone attempted to make a purchase for in excess of $100 from this BBB 651. I have notified BBB of the fraudulent purchase attempt and the Federal Trade Commission of the activity. I will be notifying our local field office. BBB 651 isn't a store it's their main office. Spike with a lady at BBB 651 named Vicky and requested info as to what the shipping address was for the purchase. I see posts on here dating back to 2012 and it's still continuing. Obviously BBB has had adequate time to address this issue and change their return policies for items purchased online.
BB&B is at minimim complicit in this ongoing scam. Our account has been charged over $4000 and of course the bank will EVENTUALLY refund the stolen money. In the meantime, my account is overdrawn and checks are coming in that may bounce. If this has been going on for this long why doesn't BB&B do something to improve/verify their cc sales. Maybe because it doesn't cost them anything and they get all the sales? And why this store, I'm in Los Angeles and have my card in my possession. Must be an inside deal. I've been playing phone tag with the BB&B "fraud" Dept. still no contact.
I received a similar charge Bed Bath & Beyond #651 Sept 12 2012
I got hit with a $480.xx charge, but they would not tell me much about it since "I didn't place the order"
I also have a fraudulent charge on my account it is pending transaction right now so I caught it just in time. It is from the Bed Bath & Beyond #651 in NJ, I recently bought something off of Amazon and I have seen a few posts already regarding this, bank knows about and I reported this to Amazon as well..
Just noticed a BBB pending purchase on my acct for $47.98. I called BBB spoke with Heather (was super nice and helpful) gave her my name and email did find the order with a shipping address to Milawakee, also an email with random letters and the persons name was also random letters. She was able to cancel the order.Thank God! Froze my card. Will be ordering a new one.
I woke up this morning to a fraudulent transaction for over $200. The online purchase was made around 1am. Never shopped at BB&B in my entire life. And my new credit card is not even two months old.
I contacted Bank Of America and they fixed me up in no time, very painless. The only trouble about it will be setting up my monthly subscriptions all over again..
$57.68 on Dec. 4th. Talking with BB&B, Store 651 is a warehouse, meaning online or phone order.
Has anyone had any luck getting the address of where the fraudulent order is going to?
Got a pending charge of 215.16 from Bed Bath & Beyond #651 too. This site was extremely helpful in identifying a larger issue. I contacted my CC company but they can't do anything until the charge posts. Called Bed Bath & Beyond and they won't do anything at all.
Received a charge for over 1,000! Something needs to be done!
BB&B store 651 fraudulent charge in Sept 2013 for $42.xx This is on a Cap1 Visa card.
Also Appears on Statements As
- BED BATH & BEYOND #651 Merchandise
- BED BATH & BEYOND #651 08004623966 NJ
- BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- BED BATH & BEYOND #651 615-111-1111 NJ
- BED BATH & BEYOND #651615-111-1111 NJ
- BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- BED BATH & BEYOND #651 8004623966 NJ
- CHKCARDBED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- CHECKCARD BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- POS Debit BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- POS PUR BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- POS PURCH BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- POS PURCHASE BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- POS REFUND BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- PRE-AUTH BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- PENDING BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- Visa Check Card BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ MC
- Misc. Debit BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ
- CHKCARD BED BATH & BEYOND #651 800-462-3966 NJ