UBER *TRIP HELP.UBER.C 14518236738 A

Learn about the "Uber *Trip Help.Uber.C 14518236738 A" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Also Appears on Statements As "UBER *TRIP 25DNU HELP.UBER.COM"

First seen on January 6, 2018, Last updated on February 23, 2022

What is it?

Two weeks ago there was a pending charge on my debit card from Uber Eats for $14 plus change...It fell off but I had already contacted my bank and was issued a new debit card. On Feb 22, 2022 there was yet another Uber Eats pending charge for $24 plus change on my near debit card. Would it be possible to find out who placed these charges using my debit card? No one I know has access to my debit cards or bank info except for crook using my card and now, of course, Uber Eats. I do not use Uber Eats. Can you help me?

Can you help? What is this charge?

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Also Appears on Statements As